A New School Year is here
August and September have been busy months for everyone here at Burundi Youth for Christ. In August, we were still busy building and recruiting new teachers for both the Future Hope Schools and Gitega International Academy (GIA). We then opened a new school year for all our schools, Gitega
International Academy and Future Hope Schools, Gitega, Cibitoke and Makamba. Registration day for GIA was August 27th and excitement that we saw from the parents showed their confidence in this school. Some parents are bringing back students from East African Countries and abroad to GIA. God is faithful! We continue to pray for peace and wisdom so as to make this school a great success.
On the other side, the Future Hope Schools opened the new school year on the 4th of September. We praise the Lord as many parents keep showing their confidence in these schools. We are grateful for the light that FHS is being to the community, and we are glad to see so many students being added! We pray that the Lord continue guiding the teachers, students and parents.
In the same way, we are grateful to the Lord as building the Library is done and a good number of books are there too. It is now in use. May the Lord bless you all for your support. We are now in the need of an online library. Please, pray with us!
Farming Project

We praise the Lord as we continue seeing the Favour of the Lord upon us. The farming project is going well these days. Recently, we got a donation of irrigation equipment together with a truck from Villages of Life Australia. These donations help us a lot. The truck is for instance used to look for food to feed our domestic animals,… Talking about irrigation, it is a very huge blessing to us especially during the summer season where plantations are dry and hard to get vegetables. In the same way another cow in our Homes of Hope gave birth to a baby cow. This project is making a big impact in the lives of our kids. They get milk , meat,..without much struggles and some of the vegetables are also affordable. May the Lord bless you all who are contributing to change lives! You are the source of these blessings!
Operation Hannah Mothers
We continue planting seeds. The Operation Hannah Movement was introduced to the mums of children in Cibitoke Homes of Hope and Female teachers of Future Hope School. We are grateful to the Lord as all of them attended the informative gathering and were joyful to be taught and encouraged to pray for their children, students and children of all nations. At the end, they elected their own leaders to start organizing prayer meetings once a week. Please pray with us for them to move forward.