Future Hope School Makamba is here!
On the 14th of September, Future Hope School Makamba officially opened its doors to its inaugural class of students! Praise God! BYFC is continuing to push forward and raise the standard for education in this country. So many parents were thrilled beyond belief that we have finally been able to open a school in their area. Optimism is everywhere, and
expectations are high. Unlike many other primary schools in this part of the country, Future Hope School will be providing training in computer basics, bible study, English language, and leadership skills. All of this is in addition to the required government curriculum, and we cannot wait to see how these diverse programs will impact the children attending the school. We know that by investing in these children when they are young, God will be able to shape the future of this nation.
Cibitoke Homes of Hope Acquaculture
The first aquaculture trial is going well in Cibitoke. We praise the Lord, the fish are growing well despite their less than ideal situation. A lot are big enough to pickle and dry. In addition to the fish, snow peas and queensland pumpkins with many other vegetables are planted although we are in dry season. We collect dirty water from fish and put it in the garden of vegetables. It contains most of minerals required for the vegetables. We thank Des Willmott from Villages of Life Australia who spent two months with us teaching some of YFC staff how to run a such project.
A big thank you to all our supporters who are contributing to give life in Burundi Youth for Christ.
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