Good News! After a basketball match organized by Burundi Youth for Christ at Gitega International Academy on Saturday 23rd of January between secondary school students of Cibitoke province and GIA students, the cibitoke teams were the winners. It's not only winning the match but, even their hearts were saved. On Sunday Morning, after sharing testimonies, experiences and news from each other and after hearing the Good News from Pastor John Howarton ( North Point Church, USA) those students decided to receive Jesus as their Saviour. On 28 basketball match players (students) from Cibitoke, 23 students received Jesus as their Saviour. May the Lord bless everybody who contributed to make this activity happen.
School Project
Two months of the second term of the school year for both Gitega International Academy (GIA) and Future Hope Schools are almost over. Although it's a period of crisis, the last school term was very successful. Students got good results in all our schools. We praise the Lord! The Lord has blessed us this year with teachers from Uganda and Kenya and a volunteer from USA; Kristy Hampshire who heard the call from the Lord to continue serving with us at Gitega International Academy.
We are grateful to the Lord as the crisis did not affect any of our students, teachers or staff members. May the Lord bless abundantly you who contributed for the welfare of those schools.
Donation from World Food Program
The Lord is our Provider! He works in ways we cannot see. He makes ways where it seems to be no ways! Glory to the Lord! For our very first time in Youth for Christ Burundi and in a time of crisis in the country, when everything is very expensive including food, we got a food donation from World Food Program for our kids in Homes of Hope (orphanage). What a Heavenly blessing at the right time! Again Glory to the Lord!

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